Friday, January 30, 2009

One Day Closer!! :o)

Well, as most of you know, David will be home next week! We are hoping by Friday, but it could be as early as Tuesday (3rd) and as late as the following Sunday (8th). This was moved up 3 days from the previous window. We are soooooo excited for this to be over and done with! The fifteen month anniversary is February 6th, that's a long time!

David and his company are currently in Kuwait waiting for all the paperwork to go through so that they can head home. He is finally getting some down time over there now that they are in the last stretch - thank goodness!! I will update this blog with pictures when he gets home! :o)

This will be the first Birthday and Valentine's Day that he's been home for in 2 years - crazy! I'm a little worried about the transation from single mom to married mom, I hope I don't stress him out too bad when he comes home. :o)

Thanks for all the prayers and support that you have given to our family - all our prayers are about to be answered! :o) I've told Bellah daddy's coming home next week, but she doesn't understand yet. This week was dragging, but Bellah was sick today and now time is dragging!! Go figure! :o)

Love ya!!

JB & B


Adventures and musings of a 31yr. old girl said...

Julie-I am so excited for you. I can't imagine how incredibly excited you are! Let me just say one more time, that I think you are amazing! Love ya!

Amanda said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you. You're such a trooper to be able to do that. I don't think I could. Have fun with your hubby!